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MS Excel
in Computer Applications
MS Excel Level 2 BTWD*0741*601
with Michael Stephens

Excel Level 2 continues the journey of transformation into an Excel Expert, teaching to use more advanced tools for analysis, rearrangement and presentation of more complex, yet realistic data. This course covers managing workbooks with more elaborate functions, ranges, tables, validation and summarizing tools like consolidation and subtotaling. The very popular and powerful feature of PivotTables and also conditional formatting are taught, along with more advanced charts. Books are provided, along with classroom hands-on-keyboard activities. For students who might consider the optional Microsoft Office Specialist Excel Associate and Expert exams, this course along with Excel 1 and Excel 3, map to the objectives of both exams. Although Excel 1 is strongly recommended for foundational concepts, it is not a requirement for Excel 2.
Will run
MS Excel Level 1 BTWD*0737*603
with Michael Stephens

Excel Level 1 teaches basic concepts and skills to start being productive with Microsoft Excel and is a strong start on a journey towards becoming an Excel Expert. It covers how to create and format worksheets that contain calculations with formulas and functions, including using proper reference types. Moving and copying data correctly, basic chart creation and various other tips and tricks are also covered. Books are provided, along with classroom hands-on-keyboard activities. For students who might consider the optional Microsoft Office Specialist Excel Associate and Expert exams, this course along with Excel 2 and Excel 3, map to the objectives of both exams.
MS Excel Level 3 BTWD*0742*601
with Michael Stephens

Excel Level 3 reaches new heights in a student's journey towards Excel Expert, building upon skills learned in Levels 1 and 2, and teaching about some of Excel's most powerful and advanced tools for data analysis and presentation. This course covers logical and lookup functions, more advanced formulas, arrays, auditing, error-trapping, and the much beloved and useful date, time, text and other functions. Importing from other non-Excel data sources using Power Pivot, exporting data, exploration of What-If Analysis and finally, automating repetitive tasks with Macros are also covered in this course. These are all skills that elevate a student into an Excel Power User. Books are provided, along with classroom hands-on-keyboard activities. For students who might consider the optional Microsoft Office Specialist Excel Associate and Expert exams, this course along with Excel 1 and Excel 2, map to the objectives of both exams. Although Excel 1 and 2 are strongly recommended in order to better understand more advanced concepts taught in Excel 3, it is not a requirement for this course.
Will run
MS Excel Data Analysis BTWD*0654*600
with Michael Stephens

Are you seeking to advance your data analysis capabilities? This course will help you gain a better overall understanding of data analysis, in particular by using tools such as Excel's PivotTables, PivotCharts and Power Pivot, to analyze data from a variety of sources, then organize, cleanse, manipulate and report that data with maximum insight and effectiveness, to improve business decisions. Books are provided, along with classroom hands-on activities. It is not mandatory, but strongly recommended that students already have some degree of Excel proficiency or have taken Excel Levels 1, 2 and 3, as this course qualifies as "Excel 4."
Will run
MS Excel Level 1 BTWD*0737*604
with Michael Stephens

Excel Level 1 teaches basic concepts and skills to start being productive with Microsoft Excel and is a strong start on a journey towards becoming an Excel Expert. It covers how to create and format worksheets that contain calculations with formulas and functions, including using proper reference types. Moving and copying data correctly, basic chart creation and various other tips and tricks are also covered. Books are provided, along with classroom hands-on-keyboard activities. For students who might consider the optional Microsoft Office Specialist Excel Associate and Expert exams, this course along with Excel 2 and Excel 3, map to the objectives of both exams.